Well it has been a tad over 1 month of labour on the brickwork and we have hit the wall (pardon the pun). Due to our original site supervisor deciding to go his own way last month, we have been without site level supervision assisting the brickies. The brickies have moved onto another job as they ran out of bricks, presumably due to the construction manager filling in between site supervisors.
We still have some remaining works to be completed;
- Stairs with concrete treads to the alfresco and laundry
- Lintel, sill and upper brickwork on the study window
- Alfresco slab face veneer and door sill
Despite these outstanding tasks, the brick cleaner has swept through the quiet worksite and scrubbed up the brickwork. We are very happy with the craftsmanship. This crew has been spectacular and i'm impressed with the speed and quality of the job.
Our earlier concerns about the colour/character of the austral bricks are long forgotten now!
The contrasting colour of brick and mortar is beautiful now that it has been revealed. The brick character is now visible in the detailed photos below. We are very chuffed with the result.
4/12 Man in action! (entry patio) |
4/12 Garage 'workshop' parapet wall |
4/12 Garage opening |
4/12 Western elevation - Studio, laundry and lounge wall (note: missing steps) |
4/12 Dining Room window detail |
4/12 Rear view - Lounge window, alfresco (note: missing alfresco veneer, door sill and steps) |
4/12 Western wall - from street view |
4/12 Front facade - from street view |
4/12 Eastern elevation - Kitchen window |
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